I needed all of this today! Jen is my writing coach and her uber real way of being in the world is inspirational

. Jen sees my life. Understands my brain and encourages like no other.

I gifted myself with a Jennifer Louden writers retreat back in June and my project reminded me it wanted to spring to life. Thanks for this article on Jen...

It makes me feel like writing and dancing!


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I’m so glad! And it’s great to hear from you and others who Jen has coached—very inspiring!

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That is awesome!

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I'm so lucky to be your coach!

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Thank you Sarah, great interview! I'm a big fan of Jen's work. This was just the inspiration I needed.

I tend to reach for easy beach reads in the summer, perhaps because my mind just needs a break from work and the constant buzz of teens in and out of my house all day. I look forward to hearing your suggestions next week as I might be ready for something more immersive as school starts and life gets more of a routine (I hope!).

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I’m a big fan too, Paige! Speaking of beach reads, I read Catherine Newman’s Sandwich a couple weeks ago—have you read? It’s short! And set on the Cape.

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I just started it! I heard her on a couple podcasts and thought it sounded great…we’ll have to swap notes.

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I love Jen...she is an inspiration and her energy is catching! I've attended her women's writing retreat in Taos, NM twice and she creates magic and builds community.

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And you are a beautiful dynamo of kindness and writerly goodness. Everyone who gets to spend time with you is lucky! ❤️

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Agree, Kris is a lovely human!

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That is wonderful to hear, Kris! So cool that you’ve worked together IRL!

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I love this! We have been on similar trajectories -- I'm 57, and my kid was born in 1991. I sold three short romance novels to Harlequin in the late 90s and then became the family's main bread winner as a lifestyle magazine writer and editor in Florida. I tried a lot of circumstantial cures to save my first marriage, too! And I met my new husband when I was 50! I loved The Women's Comfort Book -- self-help was vital to me when I was trying to make sense of my life in my 30s and 40s.

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Love all this, Tracy! I was a longtime magazine editor and writer too, back when that was more possible…and my first (and thus far only) novel was published by Mira, which is part of Harlequin/HarperCollins.

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Mira was goals for me :)

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Grabbing your novel!

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Thanks, Tracy!

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And I forgot to add that I am finishing my novel first draft about Southern Gen X women standing up against purity culture!

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I love are similarities! Keep me posted on the novel so I can cheer you on!

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Thank you! I look forward to yours!

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Me too 🫣👊🏼

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The perfect read to inspire the editing of my current WIP. Thank you!

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We can do this! 👊🏼❤️

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Yay! I’m so glad to hear it! Also congrats on getting to the end of the draft!

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Love this! Thanks Sarah and Jennifer. Just what I needed to read today!

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Wonderful! Yes, so much wisdom here!

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Thanks for reading Jackie!

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“I was lightness itself, falling and rising at the same time. The leaden weight of trying so hard to become somebody, to prove I was special, floated off me.” May we all get there. Wonderful interview.

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Yes, may we all get there!

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A summer read! Something that can keep my attention/comfort me when I've been traveling all day and have just been handed a four hour delay in a freezing cold airport with no good food options....

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That is a good definition, Kirsten! Are you currently in that situation?

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Just escaped! Carter Beats the Devil by Glen David Gold kept me going...

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Sarah- Thanks for sharing this. Anything midlife related has my interest. Hope you're well this week. Cheers, -Thalia

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Oh, good, I'm glad to hear it! And same for me! Thanks for reading!

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