And I think you’ll enjoy this droll piece about publishing a first novel in your 70s. Haven’t read her fiction but love her sense of humor. https://bloomsite.wordpress.com/2023/03/21/oldest-female-debut-novelist-tells-all/

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I love this piece--love her humor and the whole story. Also love that her novel's cover copy compared her to Elizabeth Strout! Will have to add it to my TBR! Thanks for pointing it out, Rona!

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Thank you, Sarah. This author sounds like a discovery. I’ll have to check her out. More proof that first novels can be a long time coming: Delia Owens was 69, Mary Wesley and Harriet Doerr both in their 70s

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Love examples like this!

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Yes, she’s a beautiful writer. Thank you for those names! And the reminder about Harriet Doerr and Stones for Ibarra! I was going to include a real list but then ran out of time…

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As a fellow mid-life debut author, I love this!

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Thank you, Jen! There are a lot of us, right? 💕

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Thank you for this reminder of what we can at any time of life—if we foster our creativity!

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Thanks for reading—I agree! And I also know that I need these kinds of reminders!

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Looking forward to reading more! I’m 56 and currently working on my first novel. I’ve definitely grappled with the “it’s too late” thoughts and regret for not getting to work sooner. I’ve subscribed. ❤️

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Thank you! I think we can’t help those feelings of regret, and wish for the time back—I still have those feelings sometimes too. But all we have is now, plus all our life experiences. Sending good writing wishes!

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Thank you for this Sarah, soon to become my favorite, occasional interviews! I definitely need this inspiration as I’ve yet to publish…but someday I will!

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Thanks, Paige! And you are right on time.

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Life informs art, indeed. What the very young write about cannot span decades of experience. Unlike in most novels that cover a grand expanse of time, character change does not happen generally all at once, as one might change clothes, but over the decades it takes for a face to grow lines, posture to go from slouch to upright to a certain aged bend. I am proud and pleased with the novel I have in first draft that spans two decades. With each roll of the tide there are subtle changes until by the finish, we at last realize why the main character is the chief protagonist and her friend and lover who is initially far more intriguing has become more main stream and ordinary. I am 73.

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So true! Good luck with revisions—I love a novel that spans a long period of time.

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Love the Charles Wilson Peale portrait. It’s so ‘modern’! ✨

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Weirdly, it is!

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What a wonderful idea! Thanks, Sarah, for doing this. I'm curious as to the gender breakdown of midlife first-time writers ... seems to heavily favor women (probably, as others have said, for all the reasons). Looking forward to the rest of the series!

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Thanks, Hope! I do know a few men midlife authors, but I agree, the breakdown seems to favor women.

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Thank you for acknowledging writers in midlife. I sometimes have doubts as to whether I should continue writing, as in, “I’m too old.” But we aren’t! Thanks, too, for the great interview.

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Right, we aren’t! And we need to keep reminding ourselves that.

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As a 56 year old whose parents were fine artists and who couldn’t find her craft until they were gone, I’m grateful for this today. My manuscript is with two agents and I’ve felt like I’m waaay over the hill to feel optimistic. The “emerging” writer term never applies to anyone at midlife (or later) it seems. Yet, so many do emerge later. Especially women, for all the usual reasons. I love your series concept.

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Thank you, Eliza, and that is so true, so many writers do emerge later, women in particular. Sending good writing and submission vibes to you!

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Love this! First book pubbed at 46. Most recent at 61. Yay us!

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Yes, yay us! And congratulations, Stephanie!

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I'm going to love this series. "Life informs art" ABSOLUTELY! Thank you, Sarah. Jennifer, your books sound fantastic and just the kind of book I love to read. I'm so glad you found your way to novels!

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Oh good! Yes, I think you’d love Jennifer’s writing! (Thought I’d replied to your comment already but maybe not!)

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